Watering Wisdom

Keeping Your North Texas Lawn Lush without Wasting a Drop

North Texans, we all love our green havens. But with our hot summers and unpredictable rain, keeping our lawns luscious can feel like a constant battle. The key? Understanding your grass type’s watering needs! Here at Rockwall Stone Design, we want your lawn to thrive, so we’ve created a guide to watering different North Texas grasses:

Know Your Grass:

  • Bermudagrass: This popular choice thrives in the heat but needs consistent watering. Aim for 1 inch of water, once a week, adjusting for sandy soil (more frequent watering) or established lawns (slightly less).
  • St. Augustinegrass: This shade-tolerant grass prefers deeper, less frequent watering. Shoot for ¾ inch of water, twice a week.
  • Zoysiagrass: Known for drought tolerance, Zoysia still needs hydration. Aim for ½ – 1 inch of water, once a week, with adjustments for sandy soil or full sun exposure (more frequent watering).

Beyond the Numbers:

These are general guidelines. To truly water wisely, consider these factors:

  • Weather: Recent rain means less watering needed.
  • Soil Moisture: Stick your finger in the soil! Dry past the first knuckle means it’s watering time.
  • Time of Day: Early morning watering allows for better absorption before the heat hits.

Pro Watering Tips:

  • Deep Watering: Short, frequent watering encourages shallow roots. Water deeply and less often to promote strong root systems.
  • Mow High: Taller grass shades the soil, reducing evaporation.
  • Calibrate Your Sprinklers: Ensure even watering by checking sprinkler heads for clogs and adjusting patterns.

Remember: A healthy lawn is a water-conserving lawn. By following these tips and using common sense, you can keep your North Texas grass vibrant while saving this precious resource.

Brad Clark

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Rockwall Stone Design

Rockwall Stone Design has been the preferred choice for landscape design and installation for more than 10 years. You tell us your outdoor living vision and we will bring it to life.

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Rockwall Stone Design

Rockwall Stone Design has been the preferred choice for landscape design and installation for more than 10 years. You tell us your outdoor living vision and we will bring it to life.

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